Day 17 – Making exercise a Pleasure

This is one of my challenging areas to contend with at the moment. So following on from yesterday I ask myself what makes my heart sing?

I am enjoying going for a morning walk yet I will be VERY happy when it gets warmer or becomes a bit easier.

I have been living in a different area this year so firstly I needed to search for new walking paths. The criteria was that it had me feeling like I am out experiencing nature. This then becomes an enjoyable project.

Trouble occurred early in the year when I got lazy with my eating habits and put on 8-10 kg.  I found my hip starts to hurt from an old accident. Pain causes frustration and then I turn to sweet food. It is quite interesting to examine when you go for what foods.

The pain then gave me an excuse to not be able to exercise or I would use the excuse that it too cold etc. The time comes when even you know enough is enough. I hit that spot about one month ago. I am realistic and know over the coming months the walking will get easier then I have a plan to build core strength and muscle tone. My sons are all ready to help Gary and I work out, they have got the boxing gloves ready. New adventure!

Today I walked “The tan” 4 km around our beautiful botanical gardens here in Melbourne. The view is breath taking especially if you are able to take the time to wander though. Great to stop for a cup of tea and read the paper!  For me this helps to make it an experience instead of just exercise.

A year ago we were walking along the beach down at St Kilda 3 – 4 times a week then meeting the boys to do some group work that included the boxing. I actually was enjoying the whole experience then life happened, a couple of issues exploded and before I know what I went back to all the old habits.

As I have mentioned I was not dealing with how I felt nor was I ready to challenge the absurdity of the situation. Easier to eat and pretend that what is happening is not a reality.

“Old pattern recognised and released, new pattern being embedded. Bring it on!”

Have a great day, Love always


Jenny and Gary Leather

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