Day2 – Interesting how addicted our bodies are to certain sorts of food. I have awakened with a dull headache which I know is normal. My body has probably gone into shock due to getting its 2 litres of water at least, a touch of sea salt to help the cells absorb the fluid.
Why do we want to hold on to a way of being when consciously we absolutely know it is not good for our physical body?
It doesn’t feel comfortable to live with the excess weight but for me it is usually not until this discomfort gets so bad from my perception that I decide to CHANGE the game.
I have fitted into the category of being motivated from pain. I have found sometimes other areas of my life are so challenging that I also eat to dull the pain. I have found depending on what category is most challenging depends if I can work on my physical body. If I am in emotional pain, which I have been, I give so much of my energy to dealing with the situation that I am no longer strong enough to go through this addiction phase. In truth I do not even think about the topic.
My suggestion is to be real with yourself and check in to where the emotional pain is the greatest in your life and get some help and support to be able to stand strong for the life you desire.
Some people motivate themselves from a pleasurable vision of who they choose to be.
From a decision that says I am going to do this because I know I deserve a better reality. I am going to play full on so I get a greater understanding about myself. I am going to allow this journey to highlight emotions that I can surrender to a higher power to deal with. This is the vision I have for this journey.
From the understanding I have of my life journey now this is time. I have dealt with weight and body image for 38 years. Weight on weight off yet I had never been able to see the gift it was presenting me with to heal a deeper part of me.
From my perception I am here to BE the best ME I can be.
My mind has an incredible opinion about everything in life (the internal chatter can be crazy) and has been controlling my life game for 54 years. Now I am ready to take control of my mind and have it work and support me to create the vision I have for my time on this earth.
My motto is I am slim trim and feeling terrific. I am proud to be healthy wealthy and wise. It is up to me to design what these statements mean to me from a mind, body and spirit perspective.
Mind – (subconsciously it follows orders) I am actively taking steps to move towards my vision of myself.
Body – (Vision of my body) I am happy and proud of my healthy 64 kg body that is becoming stronger every day.
Spirit – (Truth) I am perfect exactly as I am.
“I understand the way to heal at a deeper level includes the following points”
– Firstly to have the intent. The teacher arrives when the student is ready.
– Be willing to ask for help
– To surrender your emotions
– Let go of old stories, they are only a bunch of letters we have given a meaning to.
– Be OK about breaking out every now and again. The NOW always keeps showing up.
– Learn to BE gentle on yourself
– Become your own best friend (This was really challenging for me, maybe I would have to forgive myself and others)
“When it comes down to it, “It is ALL about ME” I am the creator of my reality”.
Now we are getting into the interesting stuff.
See you again tomorrow
Love always
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