Day 4.
Wow no headache this morning, head just feels a bit heavy. Yesterday I found myself pondering on how often I would unconsciously choose to eat. Breakfast that extra piece of toast or 2 and then off for a wander down the shops, stop for a cup of tea and yes I probably order something sweet. It would not be long before I am back in front of the TV or computer and think about a cup of tea and probably a biscuit. Maybe there was a lolly grabbed from the door of the fridge. The day continues in the similar vein, go visit a friend and socialise over food and drink. Meet up with family and friends and eat. Watch TV or go to the movies time to eat.
The majority of the time I am not hungry, I have attached eating and being out and with friends as enjoyable. Take away the friends and I am left with a habit that says eating is enjoyable even when I don’t like cooking. I find I end up eating anything and have associated that as being enjoyable. When in truth I am eating stuff I don’t enjoy but has just become a habit
All good! This is a journey of discovery that is leading me to some bigger questions. Now I am asking myself WHY I would be doing these actions.
Even the process of digesting food regularly would be using a lot of my energy. Being overweight makes it harder to move around with ease so gives me excuse not to do exercise and get those endorphins flowing through my body. Could it be boredom or perhaps I am not living in integrity of who I am really know myself to BE. The latter instantly rings true.
To remember you are a being of unlimited potential that you have the ability to create all that you desire especially if it impacts the planet in a positive way can be overwhelming. All the old programs that tell you the opposite arise; time to eat would be my old pattern.
The eating pushes down the fear of what will people think, what if I fail and make a fool of myself. How will my life change? Now I am of the opinion who really cares? The majority of people hardly have time to care about themselves let alone be truly interested in me. As I mentioned yesterday “It is all about me” Do I really care about me and my life? Am I willing to stand up and share what I learn that could add value to other people who are willing to wake up to their own individual potential? Am I willing to honour all the amazing teachers who have supported my journey?
When we live our lives disconnected from our own individual potential and the passion we feel deep within, we will be sure to stay asleep to the patterns that have been holding us down.
Eating for me is obviously one. I remember being diagnosed with ulcers in my small bowel and a close friend told me I would need to drastically change my diet. My instant response was that it would be impossible to drop meat, sugar, white bread etc. even if it meant my death. When I look back at this and question am I addicted to the food that is so easily obtained these days? I know the answer is yes and that is OK because everything has bought me to this moment.
What would happen if I started to live my passion to inspire others to follow their heart? If I shared my journey of this game I call life, how differently would I feel? Well I have started here and I feel good, I understand those that are ready to awaken to their own potential will be the ones that will find my story. Thank you for coming back and sharing my journey and insights.
Have an amazing day. Send me your questions, perhaps we can turn our life around together.
Love always
‘This is a journey of discovery that is leading me to some bigger questions.’
Love that quote, Jen, and Isn’t that the truth?
And isn’t that exciting?
More and more questions.
Bigger and bigger questions.
The purpose of life – to see more, to hear more, to ask more, to learn more and, therefore, to give more and be more leading to seeing more, hearing more, asking more, etc etc on and on and on…
Thanks Kathy
I am attempting to find out the story that we unconsciously tell ouselves that have us playing a small game.
I believe alot of us are hiding our potential ready to break free.
For me, food dulls the callling from within.
Love it when people follow this journey.
Looking foward to more discussion.
If any questions arise send them to me.
Bye have a great day
How lovely to hear from you and your journey towards a lighter body, mind and spirit.
What I see is that you are working with your desired outcome to loose 12 kgs by deepening your insights and let them flow in its different levels of body, mind and spirit.
It reminds me of the power of the Diary of Ann Frank in terms of inner connection and potentialities. .
In my experiece it helps to keep connecting with the vision in its highest potential as guidance.
Meaning … what will my body, mind and spirit look like, feel like, taste like when I achieve my desired outcome?
Also, what core beliefs need to die so that new ones can be created that will support its manifestation.
I would also add the support needed where these pages can be of great value.
Love your passion and alchemical focus spirit, always ready to take on the next challenge and to move through it with grace and ease.
You are an inspiration and I luv you.
Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you Isabel for your beautiful words and inspiration over the last 5 years, your support has been Gold!
Without your support I would not be open to sharing from my heart
Love you