How many of us have heard the saying ”The truth shall set you free”?
Wow have I learned the truth hidden within this wisdom. I realise we lie to ourselves out of fear of facing a reality that is present in our lives. We are not aware that the universe is trying to teach us something about ourselves that needs healing.
Little things like telling myself “Eating a big slab of cheesecake when also doing no exercise would not affect my weight”. At some level I use to justify eating the cake because in truth I wanted to do what I wanted to do but I did not really want to accept the consequence. I would lie and justify to myself why I was going to eat the cake. This has been true at so many different levels of my life over the years.
People who have known me over the last 10 years know I am passionate about understanding how we give our power away to life and WHY.
I realised last year this journey has been about ME learning to reclaim my own god given power by remembering my own unlimited potential.
If these insights add value to another so BE it but really it is about me awakening to my own journey.
Recently I was reviewing our “Reclaim your Power Flipchart” that supports our clients to be aware of when they have been giving their power away. (Playing below the line of taking responsibility)
I have looked at this chart 1000’s of times over the last eight years but never really understood or been prepared to face my own process to what happens internally when I have justified why things have happened as they have over the last 5 years.
I realised before a comment came out my mouth that justified a situation, if the thoughts originated from the energy of fear, the story I told myself was probably a lie because I feared the truth that needed to be faced, for me to come out the other side.
If I was able to tell myself and others the truth years earlier perhaps I would have been able to fulfill this journey earlier. For this to happen I would have needed to be able face the truth that we had lost millions of dollars which in turn meant I had to surrender my family home to the bank. The pain this bought up for me meant that I would lie or tell myself a story that would ease the pain; even if for some short period of time.
“In hindsight if I had of understood the value of releasing
how I was feeling at that time”
I could have moved through this faze with far greater ease. Great to see in hindsight!
I realise now the truth will eventually arrive at your door.
My behavior enabled others to lie to me because I was not ready to own my own mis-takes. On review perhaps we can only deal with small increments of our mis-takes at any one time because the reality of the situation can be too much to handle especially if you do not have the support to guide you through the challenge. This maybe the reason people go to alcohol and drugs because they do not understand a truth about our physical journey is that with great challenges comes amazing insights and healing.
Yes I can say this now as I emerge out the other side; I can see my own lack of belief in my own potential had me surrendering my power to people who had the same doubts and concerns but were perhaps better at selling a potential reality that subconsciously I desired.
Fame, fortune and an amazing lifestyle; all external representation that would tell me I was enough. The joke now was Gary and I was already living the lifestyle that the majority of the world would have loved to have experienced. We owned our home, traveled regularly with our 3 healthy beautiful boys. We had been in business for over 20 years and continued to grow each year: to top it off we were doing it with our soul partners, best friends and the best support team that we could have asked for; each other.
These challenges presented for us to see and remember the truth within the whole journey; we were always enough but we were tricked in believing we need more to prove to ourselves that we were successful in the eyes of others. This had use continually giving our power away to the life journey. I understand all is perfect because without these experiences’ I would not be able to explain to you how to start to reclaim your power.
“The truth shall set you free because it comes from the energy of LOVE”
and now I realise:
“that justification supported by lies coming from the energy of FEAR”
Hopefully this information supports us to face the truth of what life is presenting so together we can all heal with ease. I would Love to support you if you are ready.
Contact me by leaving a message below or via the website. I also regularly check all private messages on facebook.
By sharing my journey from the level I understand it today I hope it adds value to others. Enjoy the journey.
Love always
Hi Jenny,
Great insights! “The truth shall set you free because it comes from the energy of LOVE”. This is so true! I learned this a few years ago from Dr. John Demartini.
It is when we honor our true self and potential that we can live a truly magnificent life.
I appreciate your insights ans beautiful sharing, Jenny.
Viola The Business Mum
Thanks Viola, I have just come back from Abadinia in Brazil living and working with John of God. It became very clear when we did not speak our truth from a place of fear our vibration decreased. When I owned my feelings and spoke from that position and expressed a desire, the magic followed. Great experience of following the path of my heart. have a great day Jenny