Day 28 – Power of Emotions

Day 28 – Power of Emotions

Day 28 – Of Sharing my journey of surrendering 12 kg to the universe with ease.

Yesterday I had a session with Nicole Rigato on the St John of God crystal healing table. For people who have never heard of the power of crystals to facilitate high vibration energy that supports healing go to

The environment allows higher energies to work on all different levels of your numerous energy bodies to support transformation and healing of limiting belief’s, old paradigms and dis-ease that have been holding back your potential.

Early in the year I had been very sick with asthma and nodules on my lung. With one session the nodules disappeared just leaving a white scar mark which on having a repeat cat scan they told me they have gone. Then the next session I asked for work on my hip that has arthritis from an accident when I was 22yrs old. I have been using pain killers and anti-inflammatory tablets on and off for years. I have used none since that session.

Today I had my third session preparing me to use the table to support other clients awakening in conjunction with their personal growth journey.

I have been asked to write more often and to share my journey of connecting with life via my heart connection with all that is.

I realise sometimes you need to fall pretty low before you scream for help from anyone who is listening. I was later to learn that you need to ask before angels or higher beings can step into support your journey.

I remember feeling very low due to the loss of a property development which came with the loss of large sums of money from our own accounts and also investors: some of which were friends and family. I really reached a place of not caring whether I lived or died but in truth that decision was not up to me. One afternoon I got hit by a car at the local shops, the driver could not see me through a blind spot and his backing light was not working so I was not aware of his movement until I found myself lying on the road.

The local shopkeeper rang Gary and my son Marcus who came straight away; I was fortunate to only have a bump of the head and some missing skin. On driving home I realised how lucky I had been and contemplated the fact that it was not my time to leave earth.


“What was it that I needed to surrender too? Everything that was happening! “

I did not want to face losing the family home or the lifestyle I had been living for years.

What did I have to heal, release or learn more about? The emotions attached to the underlying stories that I was giving my power away to. The story that had me believing that I lacked what it took to reconnect with my unlimited potential.

As my human journey begun little did I understand when I took that first breath on earth I had unconsciously agreeing to forget all previous insights and knowledge that I had acquired through many life times. I had made sacred contracts to learn experience and heal parts of me this life time. I realise now I am continuously given opportunities to fulfil this journey and to raise my vibration so that I can manifest with ease.

It is all about the vibration that I am emitting into the world!

This is why my thoughts and feelings are so important, Thoughts become real manifestations, the key to the unconscious thoughts I am having are highlighted by the emotions I am experiencing.

Hence the importance of stopping and checking in with how you are feeling at least daily.

When my emotional state is positive I am in the energy of taking responsibility for all my actions and reality. Negative emotions are more likely present when I am judging another or myself along with justifying why something is so. Every time I blame another or make an excuse why I did XYZ I am giving my power over to another.

When I realised I was the common denominator in all my life situations I started to see the value of taking responsibility, looking out for the learning’s that come with insights as I expanded and grew into the amazing human being that I am in every moment.

It is an extreme blessing to be on earth at this time, I am very grateful to see “what am I going to learn next”? I have shared earlier this week the value of owning your emotions

Have an amazing day, back tomorrow

Love always


Day 8 – How one area of our life affects all componants

Day 8 – How one area of our life affects all componants

Day 8 – How one area of our life affects all components.

It seems to me life tries to send us ways to heal our limiting beliefs to awaken to our potential. For 30 years I struggled with my weight. On review it was never that bad maybe 10 – 12 kg before something inside of me said “Enough is enough what are you doing girl?”

Then I would change my action for a short while and get the response I desired. Then there appears to be a pattern, one day someone would mention how great I looked and within 2 months the weight would start to come back on. This was a journey I think I have repeated 15 -20 times over 34 years. What was I missing? What was going on within me that repeated this over and over again?

All the data says most people who put lose weight regain slightly more by the next year. The more we diet the bigger we get so obviously the dieting was not working in the long term. Interesting what do you do when you lose things? For me you go find them, interesting how we all go find those lost kilo’s. The power of our words!

If all experiences on earth are here for us to heal something at a deeper level maybe I had missed an amazing opportunity.

On review I think I have hit the nail on the head but for me it took the MAC TRUCK to hit me so that I would finally awaken to how I sabotaged my life. The mac truck came as a financial meltdown due to a property development collapsing after the GFC and numerous other things imploding due to level of debt.

It appears if you do not listen to early prompts they only get bigger.

– I was to experience

–  A son having cancer

– My only brother died on train station after massive heart

– Invested large sum of money with a businessman referred by friends and lost the lot.

– Middle son had a work place accident amputating 4 fingers

– Our property development went into liquidation after the GFC.

– Financial challenges escalate.

– Lost Family home

– Huge credit card debt

Before I was finally ready to heal what was within me that needed releasing. What else would need to happen for me to realise I was a common denominator in all these situations.

Now I want to make it very clear this is not about blaming yourself it is about grabbing the gift of healing as soon as possible.

I now realise if I had of known how to heal the emotions around why I eat maybe my life would have taken a different turn. I also understand all is perfect I am experiencing and understanding this process because I am not the only one that will benefit.

In asking why did I turn to food? Could a group of people have an agenda about keeping people easily controlled? Maybe! Who benefits from all the process foods and diet products? How do people feel when they are overweight or giving their self a hard time for eating the food that is presented to us every day. Are we being sublimely programmed to eat mind dulling food? What would happen if we decided to love and nurture the temple we live in?

I imagine we would be feeling lighter, enthusiastic for life. Maybe we would even choose to live by different values all interesting topics to ponder. The power is in letting go of emotions that limit our potential to BE HAPPY.

Enough for today to ponder.

Love Always


Jenny and Gary Leather

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