Day 22 – Weigh Morning

Day 22 – Weigh Morning

Gratitude is a gift I give My self.Day 22 – Weigh in Morning

My vision “Slim Trim Feeling Terrific” with Ease supported by Grace has moved a leap in the right direction.

I am excited to say I have surrendered 5 kg and 31 cms at least back to the universe with ease. This is symbolic of all the old stories and limiting belief patterns that I have finally transformed into what works for me. The mind has being playing in a karmic journey which I now believe is complete. I have paid my dues now it is time to get on with life with ease and the support of grace.

I feel strangely calm; it is as though the weight is not important it’s an outward projection of the changes within. I feel good about me and that is all that matters in this moment.

Have a Great Day, do something special for YOU

Love always


Jenny and Gary Leather

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