Day 21 – Express your gifts and talents

Day 21 – Express your gifts and talents

Sometimes we need to start with faith.Day 21 – Expressing our Gifts and talent – the world is in need!

I love watching the talents that arrive on the X factor and Australia / USA / Britain got talent shows. The ones that you feel goose bumps when they sing; it is like they are channelling an angel or a famous talent of the past. They don’t need to try they just BE and then DO then the desired outcome/ HAVE is a given. Pure Joy!

Are they guaranteed fame and fortune? No because raw talent is one component of a big picture that evolves every day. Life does not come with a guarantee. The ability to feel those feelings will always be there if they remember their why they sang. If they do it JUST for the money (Getting sucked into the ego game) life may send many challenges they need to overcome eventually finding their way back to connecting with the raw purity.

I am starting to own my hidden or not so hidden talents, I can see how I got drawn off MY path by the expectations and promises I thought could be. All good now obviously there was so much I needed to learn and heal before I could fully hold my own power. The challenges only highlight what needed work so the process could speed up.

When I was in the thick of my crazy reality I lost the ability to see my own gifts and talents. I needed to seek help!

I needed to learn to see my ability to inspire others to take the next step required to fulfil an outcome. To intuitively know what may be going on for a person and to come up with that next easy step. To educate and open people to new possibilities and potential experience’s is one of my visions.

I do not do this on my own; I get support and insights from a higher power, a part of me that does not live on this physical realm. Call it intuition, wisdom or knowledge from experience; it really does not matter if it adds value to other people’s journey.

When I was a nurse for 28 years (I worked Royal children hospital coronary care unit) I would get a sense that something was wrong with a baby, the machines did not tell us what was going on yet with 10 hrs the symptoms showed. With my own boys, our middle son kept getting ear infections and I would know 24 hrs before the doctor could see the problem. Over the years he got to know ‘Kevin is going to be sick tomorrow” and I would agree. It became a joke or I would just wait one more day.

I had never heard the word intuition or at least paid any attention. I thought that is what all nurses did because of their education or a connection between mothers and baby. (I learned to always trust the mum) I was later to realise I was tapping in to something that most of us do not understand yet have the ability to fine tune for yourselves.

I would suggest start to ask “What did you enjoy as a child?” What dreams have you set aside? How have you made a difference to another human being? These may help uncover some of your gifts and talents.

As a child I would sing out in the backyard pretending to be a singing star. I obviously loved the response from the pretend audience. I am sure that is why I like teaching and talking to groups from my experiences via my heart.

Bye for today, Enjoy life

Love always





Day 18 – Apprehensive about New Reality

Day 18 – Apprehensive about New Reality

Day 18 – Apprehensive about new Reality

As I look forward and see my slim trim feeling terrific version of myself the self-doubt arises. Asking will I be able to maintain my new look and attached to that is my new physical reality of creating an education program for others to take back their power.

To support others to take the driver seat of their lives excites me yet still there is a layer of the unknown that could be perceived as fear or understood as just part of the unknown. I am good with not knowing the full how! The self-doubt attach’s it opinion to past stories of how I did or did not maintain my intention to manage my weight better in the past. I remind myself I am not the same person I was one month ago let alone 2-3 years.

I am now able to give myself the chance to BE the person I envision myself to BE. That includes being confident and gentle on myself as I navigate this new reality. I remind myself that I am in the driver seat and whatever I am willing to receive I can achieve. This brings with it possibilities of moving into my future with ease pain free. After rupturing a disc in my back 32 years ago and struggling with different issues in my hip and neck, I have noticed when I eat well and in moderation the pain disappears. It is probably my spirit trying to remind me of how I want to BE is vanishing from the realm of possibility if I chose to eat sweet fatty foods.

I also understand that I am the creator of all my reality and I can create a different relationship with food. I have probably seen it as the enemy and not my friend. I have called some food bad and others good creating battle within the foods themselves. At some level this battle is going on within me. Time to understand at a deep level everything is made up of the same molecular substance and that if I send my food love and gratitude for being in my life the internal struggle would settle.

There is probably a lot of sense in praying over your food sending it love and the energy of appreciation. There is so many people around the world that have no food and would love to enjoy a plate of anything let alone the quality I am blessed to consume.

Have a relaxing day, love always


Jenny and Gary Leather

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