Understanding this game called life

The truth is we are all amazing human beings with the unlimited potential to achieve or create anything we desire.  The question for us has been, How do we tap into our potential?

We believe the most important place for humanity to start is to learn to “LOVE OURSELVES”.

We also understand the challenge this holds for a large number of us. We also have spent years challenged in this area of our lives. Yet this is so essential especially now because we cannot give what we do not own. LOVE!

This is what is required to heal the planet from our opinion. If we always asked “What would love say? Or what would love desire?” We would have no wars or abuse of another being on this planet.
It is time to step up to the plate and ask for support for you to either remember or heal whatever is stopping you shining.

The universe/god never denies us anything. We need to put a warning at this point, we have learned the lessons do not always come in a way we expected, so get ready for the ride.

The insights and lessons that you acquire will take your life to the next level.

We choose for this to happen with EASE!

We would love to share our understanding of this amazing journey we call” Life “over the coming weeks and months ahead.
Our story is coming from the understanding that we are first a spiritual being having an amazing journey through our physical body. God experience’s life through means of me!
As a spirit we could not experience or understand emotions without choosing to step back into this physical body. We had a vision for how the world could transform and reach it ultimate potential. We also had the understanding that we would be required to do some healing work to support this vision becoming a reality.

When we are in a spiritual form we have the connection to all that is and can understand everything that we need to learn. We understand we need to heal ourselves to reach the next level of evolution of the universe. We know that the physical reality on the earth plane that we get to experience is a mirror of that which is within us.

Don’t close on me yet this may be a bit of a challenge because we also agreed with the need to forget these memories. It was required so we can have experiences that will help us heal the challenged parts of ourselves.
The exciting news is everyone who visits your life especially those major players signed up to support you to grow.

Yes even the ones that have been the most challenging.

When you understand this you are able to honour and value their presence and gift.

Back in the spiritual realm you probably promised them that you would remember their sacrifice they pledged. Time to remember and this is fantastic in supporting you to drop all judgement. For me this has been an amazing gift.
The cosmic joke (God really is a trickster) is that “Emotions” are the key that can unlock the healing and thereby increase our vibration and ability to create our desire outcome. This can only happen while we are in the physical form.

Then the next problem occurs, when we are in physical form many of us stuff down our emotions then lay pieces of concrete on top of the pain, anger, and fear etc. thereby cheating ourselves out of the healing they offer.

Really we have been set up to only awaken as we heal yet our mind takes control early in life by having us fall victim to fear. (New topic) By choosing to feel the emotions you allow them to be released. Which ultimately increases our vibration this in turn enables us to access much greater support from our spiritual support teams.
Do you think it could be good to start informing your mind that you wish to be the boss and create consciously?

Yes! Well lets’ get started.
SUPPORT STEPS: Start by finding a quiet place and choose to focus or recall a moment when you were completely happy, just hold this thought for 15 -20 seconds. For some this may be difficult in the beginning. If you recognize the chatter starting, see the thoughts just running across a TV screen and see it go black as the thoughts just dissolve away. Repeat the process numerous times a day. Congratulate yourself! You are starting to consciously create your life by taking control of your mind…
Until we meet again love always Jenny


Jenny and Gary Leather

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